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Sigaboley—the secret language
When I was 5 and under, I had a secret language called "Sigaboley" and only my friend Peter and I could speak it.

Dianne and Darcy
I sat down with Dianne to talk about her imaginary friend Darcy who she invented around the age of four-years-old. Here's what she said:...

Katie the orange button-eyed kangaroo
Many of us remember moments in our childhood play that shaped us. Below are a few memories shared very graciously by Jonathan: I think I...

Hidden Worlds at 826 Valencia Tenderloin
Image above by workshop participant Brandon I just finished teaching a "collaborative worldbuilding" workshop at 826 Valencia. This was...

Anecsonoj - an other world in the restroom
Our worldbuilding workshop at 826 Valencia has wrapped up, and in a mere number of hours a world is born

World building workshop launches
The first day of our collaborative worldbuilding workshop at 826 Valencia went down this week.

Our world building class is full!
The class is full!! Here’s a massive thanks to 826 Valencia for making this possible and Michele Root-Bernstein, author of Inventing Imagina

Meredith’s Imaginary World Karland
Codes and Cipher’s were on Meredith’s mind in fourth grade. If you’re not sure what those are, think of Turing cracking the enigma code.

Youwarkee’s world - meet the neederander
From Youwarkee's imaginary world, - meet the neederander

Ana Marija’s Imaginary World, Iveny
At first glance, the planet Iveny looks like a familiar place. It has water, a breathable atmosphere and supports a bustling human...

Learning how to play on San Francisco’s streets
Every year, over the course of a weekend, San Francisco’s Civic Center is transformed into a giant playground. Except this playground is...

Alison Gopnik on Children and Creativity
Alison Gopnik shares her insightful research about children and creativity. This audio is from an event held at the Creativity Museum in...
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